Time flies…


Aug 6/2013

Already the 5th of August!!  Is it my old age or the hectic pace I’m having that blurs the passage of time?  the only thing that seems to stretch the time is the canvas I’m working on (tentatively called “Winter Park”) which goes on forever without a finishing line .. 🙂  🙂   My excuse is that I’m busy but not much work related proof for this “busy” claim.  Just leisure…McMichael’s gallery along with AGO & ROM sent several invites on their happenings!  I did see Ai Wei Wei’s snake (AGO ceiling) and Zodiac sculptures (City Hall) and attended a few local important shows but mainly the pleasure was in the many lunches with friends the first two weeks of July, every single day almost!

Well, I have to live it up as the student life will commence soon and if this is what “hectic” is about boy, I should investigate the dictionary to find a new word that surpasses “hectic” come September when my Univ courses start!  🙂 🙂  but I promise, Winter Park will be done & posted on the webpage soon!  Hooray!

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